Those were my nails.


“Those were my nails, it was my crown, that pierced Your hands, and Your brow.  Those were my thorns, those were my scorns, those were my tears that fell down.  And just as you said it would be, You did it all for me.  After You counted the cost, You took my shame, and my blame on my cross.”

Those words are from the song, “On my Cross (Those Were My Nails)” by FFH.  I can honestly say that those words not only make up my favorite song, but that that song is so far the only song that I’ve cried over because it got me thinking about how great our God is, and how much He gave for us.  He gave His sinless, perfect life for us…just a bunch of rotten sinners that don’t stand a chance of getting to the gates of Heaven without the power of the Almighty LORD.  Even when we try our best to “be good,” it’s not enough.  “…all of our righteous acts are like filthy rags.” Isaiah 64:6b Filthy rags!  I won’t go into detail about what that means, but trust me…it’s pretty disgusting!

We have to realize that we don’t get ourselves into Heaven.  Christ Jesus took our punishment on the cross so that all we have to do is accept His FREE gift of Salvation and Eternal Life!  “For God so loved the world, that He gave His one and only Son, so that whoever believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life.”  John 3:16 He’s offering it, so take it.  There are no strings attached.  There is nothing that you are required to do, or are even capable of doing to get you into Heaven.  “For all have sinned, and fall short of the glory of God.” Romans 3:23 If you really. truly think about what God has done for us, there will probably be tears and great rejoicing.  Take for yourself the gift of Salvation, and then tell everyone you meet about the amazing thing that has been done for you!  You would tell everyone about the cure for cancer if you had it, so why not tell everyone you know about the cure for Hell?

Thank You, Jesus, that You have taken the punishment for all the sinful things that we’ve done, all the dirty thoughts that we’ve had, and and actions that we take only in our hearts.  Please help us all to realize who You truly are.  Thank You for loving us, even when we’re unlovable.  “God demonstrates His love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8 Thank You for taking from us the nails through Your hands and Your feet, the spear through Your side, the flogging, and crown of thorns on the cross.  Thank You for giving us an amazing gift that we don’t deserve.  You are such a great and awesome God!  In You Holy Name, Amen

Hugs and Prayers,

Kendra Allison

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